Casey Kerry Blue Terrier

GCH Velvety Quarterback Sneak

DNA 1:1

GCH Velvety Quarterback Sneak (Peyton) was whelped on Super Bowl Sunday in 2007. He is the only Bedlington at Casey Kerry Blue Terriers. Living with a Bedlington is a constant source of amazement. His smaller size and more reserved nature make him seem exotic and so different from our other dogs.

Peyton was bred in Pennsylvania by Joan Weiskopf (Peremi) and Lise-Lotte Nilsson (Velvety). Ch. Peremi Campayne Promise and Ch. Velvety Sweet Georgia Brown are his sire and dam. We are very happy with this boy and believe he fits the standard quite well. He is a graceful, lithe dog measuring at the top end of the standard for height and weight. He has the correct springy gait that is one of the hallmarks of the breed.

Bedlingtons are great dogs but are not for everybody. Their lamb-like look belies their true terrier nature. Their coat care and grooming requirements are daunting and they love to run which means a fenced yard is a must. Among many old timers, Bedlingtons have a poor reputation as to temperament. Once used as pit fighters, they are fearless when provoked. Modern breeders have made great strides in regard to temperament and today most are loving with their people, if stand-offish with strangers.

We are members of the Bedlington Terrier Club of America.

Velvety Quarterback Sneak (Peyton) Looking Up Velvety Quarterback Sneak (Peyton) Closeup Velvety Quarterback Sneak (Peyton) Following Orders

Peyton took part in a grooming competition at Groomfest, in June 2013, in Denver. He was groomed by master groomer, Rachel Diller. Peyton was judged Best Groomed Dog, B Division. Rachel did an outstanding job on the trim and Peyton did his best to look happy and enjoy himself.

Rachel is the owner of The Poodle Shop, in Littleton, CO.

Velvety Quarterback Sneak (Peyton) at Grooming Competition Velvety Quarterback Sneak (Peyton) Being Measured Velvety Quarterback Sneak (Peyton) with Prize Ribbon