In 1990 a young woman, Lisa Frankland, approached us to purchase a puppy. With a husband in the military and a young child they didn't make the idea candidate for a Kerry Blue Terrier. Lisa impressed us with her no nonsense approach to life and a few weeks later she took home a male puppy. The puppy became Casey's Lavish Mischief, UDX (Lav), the second such titled dog in the breed.
Eleven years later she acquired a second Kerry from us and this dog became Ch. Casey's Rae of Sunshine, UDX, RE, MX, MXJ (Katie Rae). Lisa and Katie Rae are the breed's first Champion UDX, an achievment representing a huge committment in time and money.
The picture shows Lisa, Lav, Katie and Meaghan, Lisa's daughter, outside an agility trial in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Lisa and her family have become our dear friends of nearly twenty years.
Casey's Lavish Mischief, UDX (Lav), wore the lavender collar in his litter of nine. He was small, with a curly tail, but grew up to be 20 inches tall. The son of Ch. Casey's Merry Night Caper and Ch. Tontine's Quiet Riot, this dog had his parents long, beautiful head and proud bearing. Lav and Lisa were a great team in both obedience and agility. He lived a wonderful life with Lisa and her family, living in several cities and assisting with a stream of rescue dogs. A run in with his housemate, Katie Rae, left a large chunk missing from his left ear. A mark of distinction he carried with him to his death at age 17. Click on Lav's picture to view his pedigree.
Ch. Casey's Rae of Sunshine, UDX, RE, MX, MXJ (Katie Rae) and Lisa are shown here going High in Trial at the USKBTC Rally and Obedience Trials in Kimberton, PA, October, 2008. At eleven years old, Katie has hardly slowed down. She is also shown in Agility from The 2006 Montgomery All Terrier Agility Cluster, Kimberton, PA. Katie is the daughter of BIS/BISS Ch. Casey's Chasten the Blues (Sunshine) and has her mother's attitude in and out of the ring making training a challenge. Click on Katie's picture to view her pedigree.
We believe Lisa, Katie Rae and Lav have made a large contribution to the breed by participating and achieving a high level of success in these preformance disciplines. Many people erroneously think terriers cannot be trained in these areas and their aggressive nature makes them unsuitable for a working partner. Admittedly, it takes more patience and creativity to train a Kerry Blue, but they love a job to do and many enjoy the teamwork between dog and handler. We at Casey Kerry Blue Terriers are proud to have bred two of our breed's performance stars.