Casey Kerry Blue Terrier

German Pinschers - Axel and Mayhem

2 dogs Nevars Polaris Temerity (Axel) Nevars Polaris Temerity (Axel)

In 2011, after several years of research, we decided to add a new breed to our home. In August we brought home our first German Pinscher, Nevars Polaris Temerity (Axel). He was bred by Lyn Stuby (Nevar) and Amy Issleib (Temerity). In 2015, we added our second German Pinscher, Nevars Xtreme Temerity, (Mayhem). We have learned so much about the breed through these two dogs and met some great people.

German Pinschers are full of energy but are highly trainable. Their temperament is described in the standard as vivacious but some can be aloof.  We showed and finished our two GPs and are looking forward to doing more in the breed.

German Pinschers are shown in the Working Group and at a maximum 20" at the withers, are the second smallest dogs in that group.  

Nevars Polaris Temerity (Axel) Prancing Nevars Polaris Temerity (Axel) at a Lake Nevars Polaris Temerity (Axel) in the Snow

German Pinschers have the same good looks as a Doberman but are not a smaller version of that breed. They are the older breed and were used to develop the Doberman. Many people familiar with Working dogs regard this smallest member of the Working group as a terrier in temperament. This couldn't be farther from the truth. While he has high prey drive he lacks the single-mindedness common to most of the Terrier breeds.

There are four approved colors of German Pinschers: Black and red, red, Isabella (fawn) and blue. According to long-time breeders the black dogs tend to be more reserved while the reds are more outgoing, almost silly. No matter what color they need continuous training and mental stimulation.

We are members of the German Pinscher Club of America.